
Vision will be returning for November ~ December 2024. See you later this year.

Back for a third year in a row.
You are invited to Vision –  a month long inquiry
creating your wildly enriching vision for

VISION…… We all need one.  Well maybe we don’t need one but I have experienced in my life, and seen in the lives of many around me, that having a vision of what you want to create and to experience and then going about the work of creating it makes for a far more juicy, enriched and satisfying life.

The last few years have been a bit of a shit fight on so many levels, throwing so much of what we relied on for our certainty to the wind {or the dogs}.  We have lived through a surreal time, that seems to have no end in sight for now. One that no one planned for or had in their vision and yet here we are, some weary, exhausted and completely disoriented, others more robust and rested after being forced to pause. For many the level of lack of control has been beyond disconcerting or disruptive, it has been traumatising. The recovery is by no means done as we strive to recalibrate in a very different shaped world. This journey is the context within which we set our sights on the year to come.

And yet amidst all that has gone before there is always an opportunity to continue to explore what you want, take action on what you want and be willing to risk the possibility of not attaining it in the journey of taking a stand for the having it. It feels more necessary now to have a sense of clarity and agency.

Feminine intuition and practices help you to tell the truth of your heart’s true desires, wanting and longings to create for yourself; your desires and wants are uniquely personal and they are important.  From the way you want to feel in your body, the quality of your relationships, taking time out and away, all the way through to buying a home, building an empire business, writing a book, creating a whole new life style or physiological frame of the world, to having children or going back to school.  What you desire can be simple, simplifying or full of adventure and stretching yourself.  There is so much to want when we live in alignment with our heart and souls desire for evolution ❥

In my 14 years as a coach, mentor and teacher I have discovered a few things about women and wanting:

    • women don’t let themselves want
    • when they do they usually moderate, compromise or shrink their want
    • women tend to only let themselves want what they think others will approve of or give permission for them to have
    • women put the power of their lives in the external world and not in their own desires
    • most women live a compromised life and never really choose for themselves what would light them up
    • wanting and claiming your desire is a skill that can be practiced, expanded upon and can change the whole way you live life
    • there is no end to wanting
    • and then there is the art of choosing and the craft of implementation

I am going to share some Embodied Alchemy practices and premises
for you to craft your 2024 Vision and start to embody it.

❥ Over a month { six weeks actually } we are going to journey through a process of completion of the past year or more and step into a vision for the next year and beyond.

❥ You will be able to give yourself the time to dive in and explore what you would love and what you are choosing as your goals and creations going forward.

❥ Vision will include and incorporate processes, inquiries and rituals that you may have used before or maybe have never heard of. And we will do it in the feminine container of a community with live gatherings and sharing.

❥ Four fortnightly 90 minute online Zoom gatherings exploring different themes of inquiry, meditations and practices as well as time to share.

VISION 2023 and Moons 2024 are now closed.
Vision will be back in November 2024

✸ You can either join the morning cohort or the evening cohort with the same inquiry and exploration but obviously different sharing. All times are in Australian Eastern Daylight Savings Time {AEDT} and Australian Eastern Standard Time {AEST}

10am – 11.30am NSW / VIC {AEDT}
9am – 10.30am QLD {AEST}
7am – 8.30am Perth
12pm – 1.30pm Auckland NZ
3pm – 4.30pm { the day before } Los Angeles
6pm – 7.30pm { the day before } New York


7pm – 8.30pm NSW / VIC {AEDT}
6pm – 7.30pm QLD {AEST}
3pm – 4:30pm Perth
9pm – 10:30pm Auckland NZ
8am – 9.30am London UK

✥ All gatherings will be recorded for those unable to attend and be stored in the membership site for viewing through to the end of January 2024.

✥ There will be generative questions for creative journaling, ritual, poetry, multi-media inquiry, and other creative exercise as an invitation to use throughout the project.

✥ I will be leading you through some simple yet powerful Embodied Alchemy processes to help you feel clear, upgraded to the present, ready to brew your vision and give it space to roam and create clarity and direction on what you are choosing.

✥ There is also a private pop up Facebook group for sharing and event reminders for the duration of the Vision Project through till the end of January 2024.

✥ There will also be some impromptu activation journaling and imagineering gatherings through the final few weeks.

✥ By the end of our time together I want you to have so much clarity, embodied spaciousness and a clear and desire drenched map of what you are creating next year with some actions to kick start you off.


“I have felt deeply supported and nourished by being enrolled in both Vision and Moon’s with Lotus. The investment is so small, compared to the generosity of Lotus’s offerings. Lotus consistently shines her light like a beacon, lighting up the shadows where our greatest treasures sometimes lurk. She provides a
n abundance of rich content, accompanied by exquisite imagery and even beautiful music lists.
I have felt very blessed to be a part of the community she’s created.”
~ Jenni Cargill-Strong

“I joined Lotus and the women of Vision  last year when I was emerging through the menopausal portal and navigating my way back into life after an injury . It has  offered  me insight ,clarity  and guidance on how I desire to move forward into this new chapter…..and for that I’m grateful ????
Guided by  Lotus and her wisdom she  holdsthe space for the  weaving of structure and  flow to unfold  from within.  I’ve enjoyed the  connection to woman and the re- reconnection back to the knowing that I am  the creator of life.”

ALSO for our second year ~ 
Moons:  a 12 month ongoing support community
for your inspired vision throughout 2024 



Continue on from January throughout 2024 in community, staying closely engaged with your goals, creations, desires and choices.
Vision Moons is a monthly online gathering circle from the comfort of your home where you will be supported to….

  • Come into regular deep relationship with your choices, creations and goals, as well as yourself, through inquiry.
  • Track your challenges and momentum.
  • Come back to presence and recalibrate yourself in time and space
  • Keep visioning towards the fulfilment of your desired outcomes.
  • Take inventory of your learnings.
  • Complete on anything that needs to fall away.
  • Create a plan for the coming month of inspired action.
  • Each months themes will be accompanied by a simple downloadable and printable journal for your inquiry work.
  • Join an optional private Facebook group for sharing, questions, witnessing and celebrating, as well as exchanging resources.
  • All gathering will be recorded for women unable to attend live.

For 10 months we will meet in circle on the New Moon, incorporating seasonal themes, philosophical sound bites and exploring self care practices to keep us sustained and nourished throughout the year.

Each gathering will go for approximately 1 1/2 hours to 2 hours in length with plenty of time for real time inquiry and sharing. The gatherings will be held in the evenings Australian Eastern Standard Time.

Dates from January through till November are all on New Moons in Australian time for 2024
+ Winter Solstice gathering in June.
All details available in the Moons membership upon joining.


There will be another ten gatherings to discover, learn and step into some Embodied Alchemy premise, considerations and structure.

  • These gatherings will be for approx 90 minutes ~ 2 hours each and the times and dates will be determined throughout the year.
  • These gatherings are recorded and made available in the membership site for any women unable to attend online live.
  • These are each deep dives into inquiry and Embodied Alchemy premises for you to apply to your life.
  • Think of it as study of the mechanics of creative development and creating your desires / goals.

Your 12 month membership includes completing out the year in Vision 2024 program Nov / Dec.

BONUS  2 +
We will gather just before the Winter Solstice in June {Southern Hemisphere} to activate a month long Deep Retreat inquiry for ourselves. Think of it as a winter cleanse for the mind, body , soul and heart.

Clarity + Activation Workshop  in early January to help focus, solidify and kick start your end desired results and goals for the year.

✥   .   ✥   .    ✥


” There is something incredibly nourishing and inspiring to regularly connect with a supportive group. To turn up as you are, to share or not, to listen and reflect. To nurture that part of ourselves that is in need of the kind of community that holds you with care. The Moons group created by Lotus is this and much, much more. I cherish the space that she has created and held so that I can unwind, explore and be me. Many thanks.”
~ Zsa Zsa Kiss

” I’m finding Moons so nourishing. With such a beautiful group of women, there’s space to simply be, with also so many opportunities to learn and share.  I really appreciate that there’s no pressure. If I can’t make a gathering, I can watch a replay, or not, and it still works. I tap in again when I can.
The new moon gatherings are my favourite part of the journey, and a great way to check in with what’s most true for me, and recalibrate if needed.
Lotus brings a lot of  beauty to the space, both the calls and the online space.  The course online home is a delight, and  the materials presented in ways that not only suit but nourish my nervous system. I enjoy the teachings and the nuance and groundedness of Lotus’s approach.”