What the fuck have I done,
What the fuck have I done,
Cold sweats rising up through the holes in my skin,
My heart in my ears
A desert in my throat.
What the fuck have I done,
That I could do this
That I could break this and walk away from the wreckage
Is it pay back time for
What day did I stop? Telling the truth that is. What day did I stop?
The first day, the second, the third….
A worm hole of omissions, concessions, white lies and black
To earn love
Because love was meant to be earned
Or so I thought.
How much skin is a fair exchange?
would down to the bone get the job done?
I souled out and I bank robbed him at yes.
“I bet you thought you could get away with it” Karma retorts
But I am no longer her, though we share the same face.
There is no room for religion in this place.
Karma has no foot hold here, nor prayer or confession.
Just the undrunk of truth
What the fuck have I done
I could change the rules
That I could come clean after all this time
cold sweats rising up through the holes in my skin,
My heart in my ears
A desert in my throat
We’re not in Kansas anymore Toto
Tell the truth, tell the truth, tell the truth
We never were
– Lotus Kruse
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