Childhood sweethearts vaporized into abandoned warehouses
False friends uprooted, painfully offering freedom.
The cage of constraint calling to be un-walled and demounted.
Shirking responsibilities to keep a roof over their heads
Skipping out on the house rules and the mortgage.
I put my remains in a 3 by 5
Would all that enough-ness fill me anymore.
Things, trinkets, memories taking up rooms in my soul.
The valuable real estate of my heart out on the market
For the highest bidder
So I left with the door wide open…..
time and time again; keys in the lock
With a note on the door
‘Make yourself at home’
I made a wanderlust of my life,
no map or itinerary, but the beating of my heart,
the trust of my children and the priceless resource of kinship.
Home-less has been my teacher
and my offering to receive and be received
Home-less has been my liberator
my step into the unknown full of corners and trap doors in the floors of fear.
And full ceilings of stars and carpets of holding
Home-less has been a light house
With crystal mirrors and salt sprayed walls
Home-less has been my navigator
It has lead me astray, walking labyrinths and flights of stairs
All the way back to my hearts wild nature.
The only home to claim within which I am slowly decorating
With spiritual chai, draws full of compassion,
A fireplace of desire and a heart full of faith in the humanity of myself and others.
Home – less- Lotus Indigo Shakti
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